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Fat cells in Obesity Looks Sick People

Written By bos blog on Selasa, 28 Juni 2011 | 22.05

CELLS fat in those who are overweight it seems unhealthy aka ill than fat cells that belong to someone slim. Similarly, a study shows.

Published in September by a group of research scientists from Temple University School of Medicine analyzed fat samples from the upper thighs of six lean and six people who are overweight.

They found a significant difference between the fat cells. "The fat cells we found in overweight people have deficiencies in several areas," said Guenther Boden, one of the researchers in a press release.

Boden said that the fat cells of obese they show the condition of stress on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), which helps cells synthesize proteins and monitor its work. When ER stress, they produce several proteins that ultimately become resistant to insulin.

Insulin resistance is a condition that often happens to those who are overweight, leading to the emergence of diabetes mellitus. The difference between the fat cells are overweight with a slim helping to understand the link between being overweight or obese with a heightened risk of diabetes, coronary heart attack and stroke, Boden said.
22.05 | 0 komentar | Read More

Fat, Comrade Can So Opponent

FAT is required of everyone. In fact, the first food diasup humans shortly after birth, namely milk, there is fat in it. Essential fatty acids are needed bodies of all ages. However, excess saturated fatty acids are very dangerous for your health and can cause degenerative diseases.

Mr. Karim just got home from the hospital after being treated for nearly a month because of a stroke. During this time his blood pressure is fine, in the sense that there is no history of high blood diseases. Also there is no diabetes. Indeed, Mr. Karim likes to eat good food and his wife was a great cook. So it is no wonder then cholesterol deposits accumulate in the body.

After coming back from hospital, Mr Karim's family of strict dieting. No more foods that contain fat, cooking oil, or coconut milk, and meat. Overall it was no way. Families who had now become more fertile bodied slim.

Backup function Fat
Fats are everywhere. In the food can be found in material derived from animals or plants. In the body, fats are also found everywhere, on the sidelines of the muscle cells or accumulate in fatty tissue, with animal fats.
Unfortunately, fat is considered inactive. That is, fat is not involved in the metabolism of the body, so only the energy reserves carried anywhere without being able to provide immediate benefits. Although it can not provide immediate benefits, the fat in the body other than an energy reserve, also has a function as a bearing or fixation of organs such as eyeball, kidney, protect from cold, forming the body, especially in women, and others.

When viewed from the function, the fat in the body divided into fat reserves and fat structure. Fat reserves as described above, a reserve of energy, usually in the form of triglycerides. Conversely, fat is the structure of software components in all woven in the body. This fat is mostly made up of cholesterol and phospholipids.

Saturated and Unsaturated
The food is tasty, tasty food is usually accumulated fat. Classification of various dietary fats. Can be seen from the source, which is derived from animals and plants. Can also be distinguished by sight, the fat that was clearly visible (such as oil, butter) and are not visible (eg in milk, eggs).

There is again another classification, which is based on the arrangement of units of carbon atoms. Maybe between us there are those who remember when fats or oils are chemically composed of fatty acid units. A fat or oil is composed of various fatty acids. So, nothing is composed only by one type of fatty acids.

This arrangement which greatly affects the properties of the fat. For example, coconut oil contains more soluble fatty acid, a saturated fatty acid, palm oil has a content of saturated fatty acids (palmitate) is almost as much as the content of unsaturated fatty acids (oleic).

There are basically saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty. Saturated here means that all carbon atoms are bonded with hydrogen atoms. In contrast, unsaturated carbon atom means there is a double bond with the carbon atom next to it and still be saturated or fastened with a hydrogen atom.

Saturated fats have an unpleasant nature, which causes blood to become sticky with blood vessel walls, allowing blood to clot easily. In addition, saturated fat facilitates the hardening of blood vessel walls. Saturated fats are found in many vegetable fats (coconut oil), milk fat (butter), fatty meats, and others. Monounsaturated fat has a neutral nature, not too bad, but also not very profitable.

Very Needed Body
Fat or oil is needed by the body. Let us recall one by one. One thing is clear, the oil or fat will make food tasty. Just try comparing boiled with fried foods. It must taste better fried (fry but do not use used oil because it is not good for your health).

Moreover, fat also has a function as a solvent vitamins. Elementary school children would know exactly what vitamins are fat soluble. Yes, unmistakably vitamin Adek. With the dissolution of this vitamin in fat, vitamins can be absorbed by the body.

In addition, fat or oil is a source of essential fatty acids, mainly fatty acids linoleic, linolenic, and oleic. Essential as the name suggests is needed by the body when the body can not make these fatty acids or form. So, this is absolutely essential fatty acids come from outside.

Then, for what is actually essential fatty acids? These essential fatty acids after entering the body through a metabolic process then will be converted into unsaturated fatty acids with long chains or commonly known as PUFA (poly unsaturated Fatty Acid).
PUFAs are components of the cell wall of the body, particularly nerve cells and retina cells. Essential fatty acid deficiency can cause interference with the vision, decreased memory, brain function, and poor growth of brain cells in fetuses and infants.

Seen Scary
Likewise, the cholesterol is often a scourge for us who are middle-aged. Actually, since the fetus was of cholesterol is needed by the body. Milk as a first food for newborn babies contain cholesterol needed by the body at his age.

It turned out that more cholesterol in human milk compared with formula milk. In infants, cholesterol is a compound that is needed in the formation and growth of the brain. So, not surprisingly, high cholesterol-containing bovine brain.

Under normal circumstances, cholesterol formed by the body, namely the liver and more numerous when compared with that from food. Cholesterol in the blood may be said to come from food and from within his own body. In the body cholesterol is also needed for the formation of hormones, vitamins, and is a component of the cell.

Under normal circumstances there is actually a balance of cholesterol. That is, levels of cholesterol in the blood is maintained in the balance between the entrance to the exit. Some cholesterol is not used by the body will go back into the liver, converted into bile acids, partly excreted through feces. Meanwhile, the bile serves to emulsify or break down dietary fats into smaller particles so it can be absorbed by the intestine.

The Good and The Bad
We've all heard about the cholesterol, namely, the good cholesterol and bad cholesterol or bad cholesterol. Not infrequently when the laboratory to check blood, we request that both cholesterol levels are examined as well. However, few of us who actually understand what cholesterol is.

Many mothers who asked for a list of foods that contain good cholesterol. Actually, understanding is not so, the food there is no good and bad cholesterol. Fat into the body is usually a combination of cholesterol and triglycerides.

Cholesterol into the body after being absorbed by the intestine can not dissolve in the blood. In order to be transported by the blood, cholesterol must ride on a substance that is a combination of fat (lipid) and protein called lipoproteins.

Lipoprotein differentiated by size and density. Known for very large density lipoproteins (HDL = high density lipoprotein), a low density (LDL = low-density lipoprotein). There is also a very low density so-called very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), there is also in the middle, the intermediate-density lipoprotein (IDL).

In fact, there is a very small size, namely chylomicrons. Chylomicrons is a transporter of cholesterol and triglycerides first, ie from the gut to the liver.

Furthermore, both fat is transported from the liver into the blood circulation in the form of VLDL. VLDL cholesterol content in very small, less than a fifth. Then, through metabolic processes, after passing through ILD shape, both fat is separated and would be a form of LDL cholesterol. Contains approximately three-quarters of LDL cholesterol.

LDL is commonly called bad cholesterol because it has atherogenic properties, which led to the formation aterom or plaque in blood vessels. Will eventually lead to atherosclerosis.

In contrast, HDL cholesterol is a mine sweeper in a way that roam the transport of cholesterol in the blood vessels to be brought to the liver and converted into bile acids, would then be excreted through feces. Therefore, cholesterol is called good cholesterol.

HDL and LDL cholesterol should be in balance. When a high LDL cholesterol and low HDL cholesterol, atherosclerosis is likely to occur more easily. Thus, it is clear we can not show foods that contain lots of good cholesterol or bad cholesterol.
22.03 | 0 komentar | Read More

Beware of Trans Fats

Biscuits and light snacks are popular kids and adults mostly turned out to contain trans fats.

NOT long ago the National Agency of the United States Food and Drug Administration (US-FDA) and the British Nutrition Foundation (BNF) questioned again about trans fats. Various studies suggest a link between consumption of trans fats with increased blood cholesterol.

Trans fats are believed to be a major cause of obesity and coronary heart disease, which is now being suffered by the younger age groups, between 30-40 years. Because of the negative effect that is detrimental to the health of the US-FDA requires manufacturers of food in there labeled trans fat in food products.

Actually, what is trans fat? The following questions and answers with Prof.. Dr. Ir. Ali Khomsan, from the Department of Community Nutrition, Bogor Agricultural University and Dr. Nuri Andarwulan of the Department of Food Science and Technology, Seafast (Southeast Asian Food and Agricultural Science and Technology) Center IPB:

What is trans fat, is the same as regular fat?

Each product must have a fat content of food. In addition to the fat of the raw material itself (eg, processed meat) as well as from other ingredients, such as oil or semisolid fat (margarine) used for frying. Fat contained the oil / margarine is a triglyceride composed of saturated fat (saturated fat) and unsaturated. Trans fats are more often found in margarine.

Trans fats are oils that are processed through a process of partial hydrogenation (ie, by adding hydrogen into it). Processing is done to improve the oxidative stability so as not susceptible to oxidation. Actually the process of partial hydrogenation carried food industry to make margarine. Naturally, trans fats are also formed in the rumen / stomach large livestock such as cattle. Thus, products such as butter or milk contains trans fat amounts of 2-5%.

What all oils contain trans fats?

Oils derived from subtropical countries such as soybean oil, corn oil, sunflower seed oil, and olive oil has less saturated fat content. While the content of unsaturated fat and high in cis configuration. That is, parallel to its chemical composition so it is not harmful to health. Well, in the process of hydrogenation of oil went through the double bond isomerization of cis to trans configuration. This makes the chemical composition of the adjacent and parallel to a health hazard.

One of the oils that contain trans fats are some margarine products (made from soybean oil). While margarine made in Indonesia made from palm oil is said not through the process of partial hydrogenation, but the result of blending the emulsion (mixture) of oil in order to obtain the desired consistency and does not create trans fats.

Are trans fats circulating in the market? In Indonesia, one can find trans fats on the market in the form of white butter or commonly called shortening. This type of product texture varies from very soft to very hard. White butter normally used by the food industry, especially in the manufacture of biscuits. Variations in ingridientnya include shortening, coco butter and other alternatives.

The specialty is trans fat can make food tasty textured or easily melted in the mouth, feels krispi or crunchy, and taste and smell savory and delicious. Children generally love this snack.

What about cooking oil that we usually encounter in the market?

Cooking oil that is clear yellow which usually circulate in the market (and commonly used for frying) are generally derived from palm oil (palm oil) and its processing is through the hydrogenation process. So mothers do not have to worry about the cooking oil because it contains no trans fats. But note the oils from soy, corn and sunflower for frying (frying oil instead of salad oil) because generally the process of processing through partial hydrogenation that contain trans fats. Instead oils designated as salad oils are usually safe from trans fats.

How do consumers know that a product contains trans fat?

Consumers never know whether a packaged food contains trans fat or not. Because the characteristics of trans fat on the ingredients of food consumed can not be detected with the senses. We can only recognize by name, a pseudonym in the composition of ingredients like partially hydrogenated vegetables oils (hydrogenated vegetable oil), shortening, and hydrogenated fats.

As long as there are no regulations on the obligation to include trans fat composition then we would not know it. Therefore there should be rigor of the need for government regulation of nutritional labels that indicate the presence or absence of trans fat content in food packaging products

Why are trans fats harmful?

Trans fats are considered more harmful than saturated fat because it is suspected significant role in raising blood cholesterol progressively. Studies in the 1980s showed that many Scandinavians are high in saturated fat consume proved to have coronary heart disease incidence is lower than the American people that despite eating less saturated fat, but the level of trans fat consumption was high.

Data from the Institute of Shortening and Edible Oils (Iseo) states that high consumption of trans fat increases the LDL (bad) cholesterol and lower HDL (good), but do not overdo it home consumption does not cause negative health effects. Iseo considers concerns about trans fats felt like too much, let alone the fact that trans fat consumption contributes only 2-4% of total fat consumption. Compare this with the contribution of saturated fat which reaches 12-14%.

But keep in mind the daily consumption of trans fats can raise 1-3% for adult cardiac arrest. Especially for the children. So, need to be taken into account and see how much trans fat is listed ingredients in a food product.

Another fact, trans fats interfere with essential fatty acids linoleic acid conversion into arachidonic in the synthesis of body fat. Overall, this will disrupt the system of enzymatic reactions in the metabolism of fat. Enzymatic disruption of the system will also affect the developing nervous system. Therefore, the nerve cells in desperate need of this type of essential fatty acids. Therefore, the trans fat content in food products should be considered as part of the information should be conveyed to the consumer through the packaging label.

So what to do?

Given the trans fat and saturated fat is often associated with the emergence of the disease of high cholesterol, then the industry in the U.S. have gradually been reducing the trans fat content, especially in processed food products. Food products stick / spreadable (smear) such as margarine which in 1989 contained 26.9% trans fat (on average), has dropped its content to 16.9% in 1999.

Reduce trans fat content in food products can be done using the reformulation of hydrogenation technology. If previously used by multiple basestock system with three times the hydrogenation, the industry now uses only a single hydrogenation. Classification of food containing trans fats is as follows: low trans fats if the ingredients are less or equal to 5%, and zero-trans if its content is very small (1-2%).

Of margarine products are marketed in 11 countries in Europe and the U.S. is known that the reduced trans fat content is usually accompanied with the increase in saturated fat. Perhaps this is the trade-offs that must be accepted by consumers, we have not been able to obtain a product of low trans fat margarine and low in saturated fat as well.

In Indonesia alone, now some industries have started to avoid the partial hydrogenation process that can create trans fats. One way, the processing of palm cooking oil (palm oil) or coconut oil (coconut oil) is done by fractionated (resolved or decreased) with temperature and filtering, so that the resulting products are free of trans fats.

Here are the types of foods that contain trans fats:

Fast food and frozen food:

* French Fries, frozen

* Breaded fish burger

* Breaded chicken nuggets

* Enchilada

* Burrito

* Pizza

Snack packaging

* Tortilla (corn) chips

* Popcorn, microwave

* Granola bars

* Breakfast bars

Bakery products

* Pie

* Danish or sweet roll

* Doughnuts

* Cookies

* Cake

* Brownies

* Muffin


* Vegetable shortening

* Hard (sticks)

* Soft (tub)


* Pancakes

* Crackers

* Tortillas

* Chocolate bar

* Peanut butter

From Seafast Center IPB (Source: Mozaffarian et al New Eng. J. Med. 354:1601 (2006)
22.01 | 0 komentar | Read More

Tea, From First Trust Dissolve Fat

RITUAL sipping tea has been known since 3000 years BC in China, namely the time of Emperor Shen Nung in power. This ritual is then developed in Japan since 1192. As a result, do not be surprised if people in the two states made ​​the tea as a ritual

 Initially, this ritual it flow. Residents in China do not yet know the exact properties of real tea. They just believe that tea can neutralize fat levels in blood, urine launched, and inhibit diarrhea.

As for the Japanese people believe, the tea can be refreshing the body is missing while doing meditation for long hours.

In line with the development of food science, some states also participated also consume tea. No wonder tea consumption continues to increase.

British Society whiskers tea consumption of 2.5 kg per capita annually. Consumption of Irish citizens even higher, namely achieving the 3.5 kg per capita. Citizens of Pakistan and India each tea for a year spent as much as 1 kg per capita and 0.6 kg per capita. As in Indonesia, the recent level of tea consumption 0.2 kg per capita.
22.00 | 0 komentar | Read More

Reduce Body Fat Log

Although fat is needed by the body, not a good thing if it is too much. There are a few tips so that the intake of fat into the body can be reduced. Here are some tips. 

* If cooking stir-fry using meat and vegetables, cut 1 / 3 the amount of meat you normally wear. Instead, add 1 / 3 the amount of vegetables.

* To reduce fat in the egg, instead of 1 egg, 2 egg whites take.

* Use cooking utensils (pans) nonstick that lets you cook without oil or just need a little oil, so it can reduce fat.

* Get used to measure the advance amount of oil that will be used for cooking / frying rather than directly poured into the pan. In addition to oil will not mean much teserap foods that reduce fat, as well as its use will be more economical.

* To reduce fat in milk, use low fat evaporated milk if the recipe states must use evaporated milk.
21.50 | 0 komentar | Read More

Beware Threats Triglycerides

FOR those who constantly monitor the levels of fat in the blood, said triglycerides may not be an unfamiliar term in the ears. Triglycerides are the main fat in the body that is closely associated with cholesterol, which both have a relationship that can not be separated in the process of metabolism

Some recent research indicates, this type of fat that one should be wary because it can become a more serious threat to health. Reflecting from the research, the experts stressed the importance of triglycerides done better handling.

A study earlier this week said the phenomenon of people with high triglyceride levels in the United States increasingly apparent. Percentage of people with high trigeliserida increased in the last three decades and apparently triggered by the rampant cases of obesity.

In other research, scientists reported that Denmark without fasting blood tests indicate a strong relationship between high triglyceride levels and rsiko stroke due to blood clots.

Triglycerides are blood fats that are specifically located on the second tier of low-density lipoprotein or LDL, known as the "bad" cholesterol because of its role in triggering heart attacks and strokes. Cholesterol-lowering drugs known as 'statins' can indeed reduce LDL, but they often unable to lower triglycerides - blood fats obtained from food intake and fat in the body.

Triglycerides alone is an independent risk factor for heart disease, which is the leading cause of death in the U.S.. Triglycerides and other fats are usually measured after fasting for eight to 12 hours.

Research in Denmark, published the Journal of the American Medical Association, Borge Noerdestgaard from Copenhagen University Hospital, analyzed the levels of triglycerides without the need to fast to see how well they can predict the risk of stroke.

For example, people aged 55 years or older with the highest triglyceride levels - above 443 milligrams per deciliter - a 17 percent risk of stroke within 10 years. While those with the lowest levels of triglycerides, 89 percent per deciliter, a 3 percent risk of stroke.

"Triglycerides are people who do not fast maybe even better than the fasting triglyceride levels in predicting risk," Nordestgaard said.

He said the examination without fasting is much more convincing to the patient, a factor that may facilitate the examination for many people.

Dipresenrasikan research at the American Heart Association in New Orleans, found that the trend of elevated levels of triglycerides in the U.S. are becoming apparent. The results of the government health survey for 30 years found that although LDL levels had dropped, the percentage of adults with high triglyceride levels rise several-fold.

"When LDL is absorbed by the use of statins, triglycerides emerged as a new risk factor of blood fats," said Dr.. Cohen of St. Jerome. Louis University School of Medicine in Missouri.

He said the study showed a dramatic increase in the number of Americans are overweight may help explain the spike.

Meanwhile Dr. Irene Katzan from the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio said the results of the research and the other reflecting the increased attention on controlling the problem of triglycerides. "Finally fats (triglycerides) it gets the proper attention," he said.
21.47 | 0 komentar | Read More

How to Reduce Oil Food

OIL is one of the most familiar form of fat found. Her presence was urgently needed for food processing, but if excessive use can also be a carrier of misfortune. Well, so do not get stuck in the habit of using excessive oil, follow the following tips:


1. Measure carefully
You know, one tablespoon of oil contains 100 calories? Therefore, use of oil as needed. Avoid fried foods. When he wants to eat fried foods, consumption in moderation.

2. Balance with healthy food
Almost all Indonesian-style favorite dishes prepared by frying. Want to stay healthy while eating fried foods? Also provide fresh vegetables fresh fruits and vegetables at the dinner table.

3. Better baking
So like fried, coat the food with canola cooking spray. Then, bake until browned on the outside.

4. Can also dry dioven
Dry oven also gives effect to the fried food. Marinate foods with olive or canola oil first, then baked with temperatures up to 200 degrees Celsius.

5. Remove excess fat
Discard chicken skin or eliminate fat from beef processed. Do not worry, meat dishes remain delicious and you definitely do not suffer from excess calories.
21.40 | 0 komentar | Read More
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